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Kingsbridge Hospital

UK 028 90 667 878  ROI 048 90 667 878 

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Ear Wax Removal

    • We offer ear wax micro-suction. A safe, quick and effective way of removing ear wax
    • Specialist Ear Wax Removal Team of Audiologists and Ear Care Nurses
    • Call our patient booking team to arrange an immediate ear wax removal appointment

    Visit our specialist Ear Wax Removal Clinic

Wax is part of the ears natural cleaning mechanism; it helps to moisturise the skin and protect against bacteria and germs.

In a normal, healthy ear, chewing motions and jaw movement help to gradually move wax to the entrance of the ear canal without the need for any treatment. Interfering with this process by inserting foreign objects (like cotton buds) into the ear can cause a blockage and risk injury or infection.

Earwax requires treatment if: 

  • You feel a blocked sensation in the ear, earache, a reduction in hearing, tinnitus or dizziness 
  • There is interference with hearing aids, causing whistling and/or a reduction in overall performance  
  • There is obstruction of the view of the ear canal and eardrum, preventing a complete examination of the ears

    Adult Ear wax removal £80 (fixed price) 

    **Please note a consultation fee of £35 will be chargeable if wax removal is not required** 

    At Kingsbridge Hearing Care, our experienced Audiologists and Ear Care Nurses routinely perform ear wax micro suction.  Micro suction is a safe, quick and effective way of removing ear wax. During the procedure a fine suction tube is used to gently remove wax from the ear canal. Unlike ear irrigation, no water is required, significantly reducing the risk of infection. 

    Visit our specialist Ear Wax Removal Clinic

    Not all ear wax softeners are compatible with microsuction  

    If you are attending for wax removal, please only use sterile olive oil in the days leading up to your appointment as using alternative drops/sprays increases the likelihood of a second visit being required to complete the procedure. 

    Earol is an easy-to-use sterile olive oil spray.  The nozzle applicator disperses the oil into the ear canal in a fine mist, allowing it to coat and soften the wax with less likelihood of it blocking the ear, when compared to olive oil inserted via a dropper. 

    Are there risks involved with wax removal? 

    As with any procedure there are some risks involved,Kingsbridge Hearing Care staff have undergone specialist training in wax removal to minimise the risk of any harm, however, to make the procedure as safe as possible it is also essential to provide us with accuratemedical history information and remain still during the procedure.    

    What if the wax cannot be removed?  

    In some cases, it may not be possible to remove all the wax in one visit, particularly if the wax has not been pre-softened with sterile olive oil or an inappropriate wax softening agent has caused the wax to stick to the skin in the ear canal and eardrum.  In this case you will be advised to soften the wax with sterile olive oil and another appointment will be booked to complete the procedure.  

    What if a complication occurs? 

    Wax blockages can sometimes conceal other ear conditions, if we find evidence of an infection or a previously undiagnosed ear condition or if the wax cannot be safely removed it may be necessary to refer you to another medical professional. 

Additional information on Kingsbridge Hearing Care services can be found at

If you would like to book an appointment please do not hesitate to contact our Patient Booking Team using either option below

Treatment Locations

Kingsbridge MRI and Outpatients Centre

801 Lisburn Road, Belfast, BT9 7GX

Kingsbridge North West

Church Hill House, Main Street, Ballykelly, BT49 9HS

Healthcare Professionals & Consultants

Mr Stephen Hunter


Mrs Lynsey Hunter


Richard Sweeney

Optometrist and Audiologist

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Kingsbridge Help & Support

A credit or debit card is necessary to secure your booking. The card will be saved as your default payment method. You'll receive notifications regarding any outstanding balances. For details on the information we collect and process, while providing your healthcare, please refer to our privacy policy. By using this service, you consent to our privacy policy.

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