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The Wait For A Level Results Day Is Over, But What's Next?

15th, Aug 2014

The long and strenuous wait for students is finally over, with A level results being received by hundreds of applicants throughout Northern Ireland yesterday. For many, this day represented the first step that students needed in order to continue in their journey to university, and for many, it leads to the ever important question of, what happens next.

The long and strenuous wait for students is finally over, with A level results being received by hundreds of applicants throughout Northern Ireland yesterday.

3fivetwo Group


For many, this day represented the first step that students needed in order to continue in their journey to university, and for many, it leads to the ever important question of, what happens next.

The standard of results day increases every year, and places for courses at universities are more sought-after than ever before. In particular, places for courses within medical and dentistry schools remain to be highly competitive with Queens announcing that they only have 262 places available for 2015, highlighting the pressures that students are under from a young age to achieve the grades required and stand out from the rest. 

"Once the A level and AS results are out, in some sense, the pressure is just beginning."

Last summer, universities in Britain received more than 11 applications for every place to study medicine, up from fewer than nine in 2008. It meant the subject was officially the most in-demand discipline at degree level. Dentistry was not far behind, with 9.7 applications per place, while nursing and veterinary medicine both had 9.2 students chasing each place. (Telegraph, 2014

Students are constantly under pressure to achieve acceptance worthy results in order to gain a spot at university, however, it’s not the only aspect that is considered. Students need to be encouraged and reminded that interview skills and personal attributes carry equal significance when trying to secure a place. 

As it’s commonly known that the interview process can be highly competitive, it’s important that students are given the opportunity to learn from people who, not so long ago, were in the position they are in now.

Graham McCluggage, Careers Advisor, stresses that, “Once the A level and AS results are out, in some sense, the pressure is just beginning.  These students have worked very hard to achieve outstanding grades and those aspiring to high-demand courses such as Medicine and Dentistry have now to begin their preparation in earnest.  While all of them are academically very strong they still have a number of challenges, and professional advice is required.  Careers teachers, the professional bodies and medical professionals, both recently qualified and experienced, are undoubtedly the best source of this help and advice. Courses such as those offered by 3fivetwo Training Academy can be invaluable, their Interview Skills course is excellent and it has experienced careers people with consultant doctors who do a good job”. 

"For the majority, this will be the first and most important interview of your life so far.”

3fivetwo Training Academy recognises this need and provides an Application and Interview skills course for students interested in medicine or dentistry. The course aims to effectively equip students with the insight, knowledge, and practical preparation that they need and can bring with them when going forward for interviews.

Mark Regan, CEO of Kingsbridge Private Hospital, part of the 3fivetwo Group said that, “A-level results day is an extremely significant day for all students and continues to be a time were students need the most support and guidance possible, and at the 3fivetwo training academy we aim to do that. More specifically, applicants to medicine and dentistry have to undertake the MMI or similar interview and, for the majority, this will be the first and most important interview of your life so far”.

The interview skills course was designed around students and their needs to offer a depth of understanding and expertise like no other.  It includes presentations from consultant physicians, dental surgeons, and senior lecturers that have many years of experience in interviewing, cognitive processing, healthcare, ethics, and surgery.

Students have the opportunity to gain invaluable skills and expertise that are vital in preparing them for possibly one of the most important interviews of their lives.

If you would like to find out more about the Interviews Skills courses available over the next few months visit, , email  or call on 028 9073 5273.