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How to help Northern Ireland's NHS

17th, Feb 2016

There are many small changes you can make to help the NHS that will also impact positively on your own life. Free health care is a wonderful thing, providing support to those who need it most. It seems that at the moment there’s not a day that goes by without the NHS being in the news.

There are many small changes you can make to help the NHS that will also impact positively on your own life.

Free health care is a wonderful thing, providing support to those who need it most. It seems that at the moment there’s not a day that goes by without the NHS being in the news. Despite the many positives, the stories tend to focus on the strain that the organisation is under.

Many of us are fortunate to be in a position to help the NHS. Here’s how you can help.

The Obvious

We all know that by not smoking, drinking less and taking regular exercise, we’re more likely to be healthier. It’s worth reiterating however, as a recent study by Public Health England (PHE) found that a healthier lifestyle could help prevent 40% of cancers and 75% of diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. So step away from the Chardonnay and put down that pint. How often do you get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise?

On yer bike

Ever driven through the centre of Belfast? Lots of traffic isn’t there? How about working a walk or a cycle into your daily routine. This means you’re more likely to keep on doing it. The World Health Organisation recommends 30 minutes of exercise, five times a week. Try it, you might even get to work faster!

Read about the other ways you can help the NHS in Nothern Ireland on our sister site

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