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Most Common Clinics

Bones & Joints

Cancer Services

Chest, Heart & Lungs

Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Eye Surgery Clinic

Gastro Clinic


MRI, CT and Ultrasound Scans

Paediatric Clinics

Private GP Services

Scope Clinics


Women's Health Clinics

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Call Us Today

Kingsbridge Hospital

UK 028 90 667 878  ROI 048 90 667 878 

Sligo Hospital

ROI 071 916 2649 

Cross Border Health Team

ROI 048 9068 8858 

NHS Partnerships

For those patients who have been referred by the NHS for a clinical assessment with 3fivetwo Healthcare

Patient Information

3fivetwo Healthcare manages all our public health sector contract work or waiting list initiative work as it is sometimes known. Waiting List Initiatives are used by NHS Trusts to try and reduce the waiting times for patients.

Since 2003, 3fivetwo Healthcare has been delivering a full range of medical and surgical services both privately and in partnership with the public healthcare sector. We offer consultations, scanning, investigations and surgery, for a wide range of specialties.

3fivetwo Healthcare is committed to providing the highest levels of care to each and every individual who crosses our door via our dedicated network of highly respected Consultants, Doctors and Nurses.

If you have been referred locally for a clinical assessment with3fivetwo Healthcare you can book your appointment by clicking here.

Alternatively you can call us on +44 (0) 289073 5226.

What our patients say;

“This is a prime example of excellent healthcare”.

“It was such a good experience from the moment I came in I felt at home. The care I was given was unbelievable”.

“I was very happy with my stay here and the staff were all very attentive and caring. I was treated with dignity and respect.”

Patient Testimonials