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What are the Issues Affecting Female Fertility?

15th, Dec 2014

If you are having problems conceiving, you are not alone. Around one in every seven couples in the UK are having problems conceiving; this is around 3.5 million people. We explore the issues affecting female fertility.

If you are having problems conceiving, you are not alone. Around one in every seven couples in the UK are having problems conceiving; this is around 3.5 million people.

Infertility can affect both women and men of all ages, 40% of issues affecting infertility are due to men, another other 40% due to woman and 20% is either both partners or due to unexplained fertility issues.

Infertility in females is classed as either primary or secondary infertility; Primary infertility is when a woman has never been pregnant before whereas secondary infertility is when a female has previously had a baby and is now having difficulty conceiving. The good news is that many women with fertility issues do go on to have babies.

Once you know the fertility issue you are one step closer to the answer.

Read the full blog post

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