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13th, Sep 2013
Dental Excellence - part of The 3fivetwo Group are offering a pioneering new stem cell collection service in Northern Ireland, in conjunction with Precious Cells, that could offer patients lifesaving treatment in the future.
Dental Excellence - part of The 3fivetwo Group in Northern Ireland are offering a pioneering new stem cell collection service in Northern Ireland, in conjunction with Precious Cells, that could offer patients lifesaving treatment in the future.
The procedure for collection involves removing stem cells from teeth and storing them at a Precious Cells cell bank in London where they will be kept for up to 30 years.
The harvested stem cells can be taken from baby teeth, wisdom teeth and orthodontic extractions and are then sent to Precious Cells where the quality of the sample is assessed by their team of experts and then stored cryogenically.
Stem Cell research is developing at a fast rate as scientific research continues and clinical trials underway currently show very positive and promising results. Many hospitals are currently using stem cell therapy to treat conditions such as Leukaemia and clinical trials for stem cell treatment include myocardial infarction where cells are used in the treatment of the heart tissue and stroke victims where it is hoped that stem cells may be able to help repair damage to the brain tissue.
Brid Hendron, dentist and clinical lead of precious cells in Ireland believes people should be made aware that this service is available. She said: “Stem cells from bone marrow and the umbilical cord have been used for many years and research is developing at a rapid pace.”
What is a stem cell?
Stem cells are cells that have not been given the instructions to determine what type of cell they will grow into. This means that the scope for stem cell treatments in the future is huge and could lead to a new way of treating various conditions which are currently life-threatening or incurable.
Stem cells could lead to a future where your own cells could be used to treat you, saving the need for donors and preventing the current risk of rejection associated with donor transplants. Stem cells could also be used to treat a wide variety of illness such as blood diseases or conditions of the brain or spinal cord and nervous system.
The cost of storing stem cells for 30 years is £1,685 and is available at Dental Excellence – part of The 3fivetwo Group.
To find out more about stem cell collection, please visit Precious Cells for more information. Click on the image below to visit their website.
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