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St Therese Primary School Welcomes Special Visitor

05th, Feb 2014

Kingsbridge Private Hospital's, Humpty has been visiting local schools to help children understand the benefits of keeping a healthy diet and how to look after their teeth.

St Therese of Lisieux Primary School welcomed an egg-xtra special visitor this week when the star of a well-known nursery rhyme made his way to the Antrim Road School.

Kingsbridge Private Hospital’s, Humpty Dumpty visited the Primary one and two pupils in the school along with two health workers from the 3fivetwo Group to help promote healthy eating and dental hygiene.

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Ashling Green, Outpatient Manager at Kingsbridge Private Hospital said, "Getting to visit the children with Humpty was a great experience. We are really glad to be involved in local community work and have the opportunity to talk to children about the basics of health including healthy eating and dental health." 

"The children were very excited to meet Humpty because a lot of them had seen him appear in this year's pantomime at the Grand Opera House," she said.  

Kingsbridge Private Hospital sponsored this year’s Sleeping Beauty pantomime as part of numerous charity and community ventures that the 3fivetwo Group have supported throughout the year.

The hospital’s involvement in this year’s pantomime aimed to highlight health issues to families in Northern Ireland and also help support the Grand Opera House’s outreach work that they do in the local Northern Ireland community.

During this year’s performance at which over 80,000 people attended, Kingsbridge Private Hospital’s very own mascot, Humpty Dumpty, made an onstage appearance with the cast who included May McFettridge and former Emmerdale start Lorraine Chase.

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‘Hug Me Humpty’ backpacks and chocolate lollies were on sale throughout the pantomime season with funds helping to continue the local community work with children carried out by the Grand Opera House.

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Part of the Grand Opera House’s work in the local community involves their experienced team of youth workers attending schools across Northern Ireland, helping them to build their confidence and teaching them the benefits of teamwork. Kingsbridge Private Hospital’s involvement is to help educate young children about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle by promoting health messages at the workshops.