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Skip NHS Queues for only £25

12th, Jan 2015

Pressure is mounting on the NHS with Northern Ireland’s five trusts cancelling non-urgent elective surgeries due to an unprecedented influx of patients. More patients means more pressure on NHS staff in accident and emergency wards, as well as longer waiting times and bed shortages, begging the question: How much would you pay to be seen straight away?Private casualty, where you can see an emergency consultant or specialist nurse, is for everyone and it is affordable, starting from as little as £25.

Pressure is mounting on the NHS (problems facing the NHS in NIwith Northern Ireland’s five trusts cancelling non-urgent elective surgeries due to an unprecedented influx of patients at the start of 2015.

More patients means more pressure on NHS staff in accident and emergency wards, as well as longer waiting times and bed shortages, begging the question: How much would you pay to be seen straight away?

While free medical care is vital for many people in Northern Ireland, providing expert support to those who need it most, many people remain unaware of the availability of private casualty.

Private casualty, where you can see an emergency consultant or specialist nurse, is for everyone and it is affordable, starting from as little as £25. If you have private health insurance, this usually covers the cost of treatment, but you do not need to have health insurance as you can just walk-in off the street and pay.

Sprains, strains, cuts, wounds, minor head injuries and so on put a strain on the NHS by tying up NHS staff who could be treating the patients who are in most need.

For example, if your child has suffered from a minor fracture, cut or bruise, private casualty removes the uncertainty of how long you’ll have to wait. You get an expert analysis there and then, pay for the initial treatment and are made aware in advance of any additional cost.

Sports injuries happen every day, whether it’s under 10s Rugby on a Saturday morning or a post-work jog. Instead of agonising over whether the injury warrants a visit to A&E, private casualty will steer you in the right direction for £25.

Also, the winter months increase the chances of injuries due to slips and falls for the elderly – and, particularly for them, private casualty can be a far more convenient option.

So the next time you or someone you know is in need of medical attention, it’s worth asking yourself how much it’s worth to be treated straight away?

Private Casualty is available in Belfast at Kingsbridge Private Hospital, 311-315 Lisburn Road, BT9 7GX. Opening hours are Mon – Fri: 9am to 8pm, Sat: – 5pm. Click here for more information 

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