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02nd, Oct 2018
Overnight oats are very much on-trend at the moment but the origin of the idea may not seem so trendy… A Swiss Doctor, Dr Maximillina Bircher-Benner, in 1900 was looking for a way to serve good nutrition to his patients and so came up with the idea of ‘muesli’ (or as it translates ‘mash-up’) – the original recipe was a mix of raw oats, soaked overnight in water and lemon juice and eaten with yogurt, fresh fruits and nuts.
Overnight oats are very much on-trend at the moment but the origin of the idea may not seem so trendy… A Swiss Doctor, Dr Maximillina Bircher-Benner, in 1900 was looking for a way to serve good nutrition to his patients and so came up with the idea of ‘muesli’ (or as it translates ‘mash-up’) – the original recipe was a mix of raw oats, soaked overnight in water and lemon juice and eaten with yogurt, fresh fruits and nuts.
Today there are many, many variations of overnight oats – depending on your taste and imagination!
But are they a good food choice?...YES!
There are endless ways to be creative with this health breakfast (or any time of day!) choice.
This is a very quick and easy version to try…
Written by Dr Aileen McPhillips.
Dr Aileen McPhillips is and Private GP at Kingsbridge Private Hospital. She graduated from Queen’s University, Belfast in 2004. She completed training in General Practice and graduated as a member of the Royal College of General Practitioners in 2009. She enjoys all aspects of General Practice, however she has a special interest in Family Planning and Women’s Health (and has completed further training with Diplomas from the Faculty of Family Planning and Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists. To book an appointment with Dr Philips, please visit our online booking link.
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