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Lifesaving Meningitis B Vaccine Available at the 3fivetwo Group

23rd, Mar 2015

For decades, Meningitis B has been the most common cause of bacterial meningitis in the UK and Ireland.

For decades, Meningitis B has been the most common cause of bacterial meningitis in the UK and Ireland. 

An average of 1870 people contract meningitis B each year and one in 10 of them die.  About a quarter of all survivors of meningitis B are left with life altering after effects such as brain damage, limb or hearing loss.  Children under 5 are most at risk.  Meningitis B kills more children under 5 in the UK each year than any other infectious disease. 



The Meningitis Research Foundation have welcomed this vaccine and are currently lobbying the government to get it given free on the NHS to children but it doesn’t look set to happen anytime soon.


In the interim, the 3fivetwo Group offer the Meningitis B vaccination through our private GP service. The cost of this vaccine is as follows:


  • The vaccination itself costs £98 per injection, and for every appointment with one of the nurses there will be a nursing treatment fee of £27.
  • For children aged two to ten years there are two injections with an interval of at least two months between appointments.
  • For children under two there are still the first two injections and then a third and final booster due 12 to 22 months from the second injection.


For more information on the Meningitis B vaccine or to book an appointment, please do not hesitate to contact the 3fivetwo Group on 0845 6006 352 or alternatively email 


Related Links:

Belfast Telegraph - This Belfast GP says all children should get vital vaccine she's given her kids

BBC News -  Meningitis B vaccine needed urgently, campaigners say 





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