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11th, Apr 2014
Staff at Kingsbridge Private Hospital recently invited a local Brownies club from Moira to help children familiarise themselves with a hospital environment.
The initiative was the first educational hospital visit organised in Kingsbridge, intended to help children learn about hospital attendance and treatment, something that many children attending a hospital for the first time, find both frightening and stressful.
The children from the 2nd Moira Brownies group who attended were given a structured guided tour of the hospital’s four main departments and met various healthcare professionals within each area.
At Kingsbridge Private Hospital Private Casualty, the children were able to see the treatment area and learn about practical medical care. Nurse Specialist, Barbara Cosbey demonstrated the application of bandages, slings, paper stitches, collars and cuffs.
At the X-Ray department, Radiographer, Kelly McCartney introduced the children to the X-Ray machine and the concept of radiation and showed examples of different X-Rays to help the children understand the circumstances under which an X-Ray may need to be performed.
On the Hospital Ward, Staff Nurse, Rebecca Barr, showed the children a typical hospital room and explained the process of the hospital admission. She explained the care received before and after an operation and introduced the children to important principles of healthcare such as Confidentiality and Infection Control.
Finally the children visited the Theatre and had the opportunity to see where surgical procedures are carried out. Consultant Anaesthetist, Dr Evi Koutsoumpi, explained the role of the Anaesthetist and what happens before surgery starts. Theatre Sister, Tori Johnston demonstrated theatre equipment and live Plaster of Paris application.
Consultant Anaesthetist, Dr Evi Koutsoumpi , who designed this project at Kingsbridge Private Hospital said, “Exposing children to the hospital environment -as visitors/observers- is a well established practice worldwide with clearly recognised positive outcomes. Our project is unique in NI as it addresses areas beyond the emotional distress of the young patient: it educates through interactive participation, introduces role models & reinforces other concepts such as safety, prevention, healthy lifestyles and teamwork”
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