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Help In The Community

05th, Aug 2014

Belfast’s Corrymeela Football Club wins a sports medical bag from Kingsbridge Private Hospital worth over £250.

Kingsbridge Private Hospital gave sports clubs in Northern Ireland the chance to win a sports medical bag worth over £250 and received an amazing response from local sports clubs in Northern Ireland.

3fivetwo Group

The competition that was organised in conjunction with the Irish News received entries from a wide range of sports clubs including football, rugby and tennis.

After a random prize draw held by the Irish News, Kingsbridge Private Hospital was delighted to announce that Corrymeela Football Club were the prize winner.

The prize was presented to brothers, Ciaran Fairmichael and Lorcan Fairmichael who is current Captain of the first team at Corrymeela Football Club.

Ciaran, who spoke of the clubs delight receiving the prize said, “'The medical kitbag is great. It's stuffed full of treatments for a whole range of injuries. Hopefully we won't need it too often though!”

Corrymeela FC is a football club that is committed to promoting cross community football and other related activities. The club welcomes all who are keen to take part and are currently looking for players at present. More information can be found on their website. 

The medical bag which was presented to the club contains a range of sports related medical items including cool packs, bandages, plasters, sterilising wipes, gloves and many more medical items. 

To find out more about the 3fivetwo Group’s help in the community, please click here or read our blog by clicking here.

To find out more about Corrymeela Football Club, please click here or visit them on Twitter by clicking here