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Grow a Mo, Save a Bro

02nd, Nov 2018

It’s that time of year again guys, time to get growing that Mo to support Movember!

It’s that time of year again guys, time to get growing that Mo to support Movember!

The Movember Foundation is a fantastic organisation that supports men’s health across three areas:

  • Testicular cancer – this is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in young men.
  • Prostate Cancer – this is the 2nd most common cancer in men worldwide
  • Mental health and suicide prevention – 75% of all suicides are men.

The Foundation, which was established in 2003, feel that these things are either preventable or treatable, and alongside research they also want to raise funds so they can keep supporting men to seek help and support one another.

Did you know?

  • Men experience worse longer-term health than women and die on average six years earlier.
  • Prostate cancer rates will double in the next 15 years.
  • Testicular cancer rates have already doubled in the last 50.
  • Three quarters of suicides are men and poor mental health leads to half a million men taking their own life every year. That’s one every minute.

70% of men say their friends can rely on them for support, but only 48% say that they rely on their friends. In other words: we’re here for our mates, but worried about asking for help for ourselves.

Raising funds

If you do decide to grow a Mo then asking colleagues to join in is a great way to start raising funds.  How about each person taking part starts the fund raising off by putting a £10 donation in the pot?  Work colleagues can then publicise it by posting regular photos on the work intranet and ask non-partaking colleagues to vote for their favourite mo!  You could also ask other colleagues to sponsor you.  Why not ask your employer if they will match any donations you raise?

If growing a Mo isn’t for you, there are other ways to take part and help raise even more funds!  Examples include;

  • Hold a Mo event such as a pop quiz, dress down day at work, bake sale
  • Get involved with the Movember 60-kilometre challenge.
  • Tee up a sports match

For more information on how to take part or to find out more about the work the Foundation do visit

If you do have a symptom that you are worried about, make sure you speak to a GP.

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