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Kingsbridge Foundation

The charitable arm of the Kingsbridge Healthcare Group, raising money for the NI community through charitable work, fundraising and local initiatives. In partnership with the Community Foundation Northern Ireland - Charity Number : NIC105105

About Us

The Kingsbridge Foundation is the charitable arm of the Kingsbridge Healthcare Group, Northern Ireland’s largest healthcare provider, and are a donor advised fund administered by the Community Foundation for Northern Ireland. 

What is the purpose of the Kingsbridge Foundation?

  • To raise funds for local charities and focus on any particular causes which warrant a “helping hand”
  • To use as a platform to demonstrate the Groups role in the community as a leading company which cares for local needs and wishes to play its full part in addressing those needs
  • To use the Foundation to channel and centralise the many requests it receives  daily for charitable donations
  • To create a lasting ‘Legacy’ 10 years on from opening our first private hospital; thus continue its over-riding ethos of “care” being at the centre of everything we do


Want To Apply To The Kingsbridge Foundation?

Kingsbridge Foundation support charitable causes throughout Northern Ireland. There is no formal fund criteria and the awards are generally made directly from the fund advisors.

Who are the Kingsbridge Foundation Committee?

The Kingsbridge Foundation is made up of a committee of staff from across the Kingsbridge Healthcare Group and is led by Deputy Medical Director and Chairman of the Kingsbridge Foundation, Dr Martin Shields

Our committee members serve as the bridge between the Kingsbridge Healthcare Group and the community:

  • They are deeply committed to their community and to supporting it through our initiatives
  • They are eager to assist, equipped with the knowledge, resources, and time to support our customers, colleagues, and the broader community
  • They help individuals understand how to engage with the Kingsbridge Foundation and how they can benefit from it
  • They can aid with application forms, provide contact information about our charity partners, and share other useful resources
  • They manage a small community donation budget to offer financial support for community groups or events
  • They serve as the point of contact for charities and community groups interested in getting involved with or learning more about the Kingsbridge Foundation
  • They are also the contact point for staff and for coordinating fundraising activities at their location

The committee work alongside the Community Foundation NI to choose certain charities and community initiatives to support, with the Advisory Board having overarching authority on deciding where funds go. Recipients of the funds from our foundation will be vetted by the Community Foundation NI to ensure proper governance is in place. Funding is NOT ring-fenced specifically to healthcare causes which gives the Advisory Board a broader scope of good causes to support.

How will the Kingsbridge Foundation be funded? 

The Kingsbridge Foundation is funded through ongoing fundraiser events, staff and Consultant monthly contributions and all payments made via our car park located at the King's Hall are directly  donated to the fund. 

Since launching in 2022 and with the support of our staff, Consultants, and patients we have raised over a million pounds and supported over 90 projects right here in Northern Ireland.

Beneficiaries include the Zachary Geddis Break The Silence Trust, Pedal the Periphery and Cancer Fund For Children to name a few. Have a watch of our video below:

How can I get involved?

At the Kingsbridge Foundation we are always looking at ways in which we can continually raise funds. Since launching in 2022, our staff and Consultants have taken part in the Belfast City Marathon, hosted the Eve & Maddie Cup 2 years in a row for family and friends, and take part in a monthly 'Foundation Friday' initiative, alongside so much more.  

View Fundraisers & Recent Beneficiaries

If you are hosting a fundraiser event and would like to choose the Kingsbridge Foundation as your fundraiser charity, we would love to support you. Please email to find out what we can do to help!

How can I make a donation?

If you would like to make a donation to the Kingsbridge Foundation, you can do by visiting our Fundraising Page

Alternatively you can make a bank transfer as per the details below:

Reference: “Kingsbridge Foundation”
Account Name: Community Foundation for Donations
Bank Name: First Trust Bank
Sort Code: 93 86 00
Account Number: 3948 0761
IBAN: GB59 FTBK 9386 0039 4807 61

How to Apply

If you are an NI charity or local initiative and would like to apply for funding via the Kingsbridge Foundation, please fill out our online form

Funding Application Form

Please read the following text before beginning your application

  • You are a locally based not-for-profit, voluntary or community group working in Northern Ireland to improve the quality of life for local people
  • You have an active management committee, with no two related cheque signatories
  • You have a governing document, i.e. Constitution in the name of the applicant organisation
  • You have a current bank account in the name of your organisation
  • You have up to date annual accounts
  • You have complied with the conditions of previous grants including submission of monitoring returns

If you are unsure about any of the above text or have any other queries, then please contact the Grants Team on 028 9024 5927 or via email

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