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Tips For Keeping A Focused And Healthy Mind

11th, Mar 2022

From the 14th - 20th March we are highlighting Brain Awareness Week and throughout a time where we have all felt a chaotic mixture of emotions, what better time than now to pick up some new habits to keep our brains and minds healthy.

It has been a challenging couple of years for everyone being in and out of lock-downs and having to adapt to new routines and ways of thinking as a result of the on-going pandemic. It is safe to say that at some point throughout it all our minds have felt either or both overwhelmed and possibly under-stimulated.
In line with Brain Awareness Week 2022 we have gathered a few tips to keep your mind healthy in the coming weeks:

Spend time on apps 

However NOT the usual social media and games. Try installing a brain training app with multi-faceted activities on it to do in the afternoon which will re-train your mental sharpness. Or have a go at some brain teaser activities - Where do words go? exercises your cognitive skills. 

Put the phone down(stairs)

Charge your phone downstairs overnight and invest in a different alarm clock. This will stop you over-whelming your brain from the moment you wake-up with the urge to check work related emails and texts.

Step-up your steps 

As we enter into Spring and we start to slowly experience the ever slightly warmer weather, it’s important to get outside and take walks in the fresh air to clear your mind and break up the regular routine of the day.


7-9 hours of sleep a night is proven to reduce the risk of developing diseases such as Alzheimer’s later in life and helps improve creativity and productivity.

As well as mental clarity and health it is important to be aware of any new or recurring headaches and pains that may have developed recently. Often, these can be down to dietary issues or lack of sleep but sometimes they can be more serious.
If you are experiencing regular headaches or migraines it is important to get seen by a GP or specialist who can help you asses the problem.

For further information on our Private GP services, please click here. If you would like to book an appointment with one of our Private GP's, please call 028 7772 3502

- Sunday Life's Dear Dr Column with Dr Lisa Neligan, Private GP at Kingsbridge Private Hospital, Belfast
- 22 Facts about the Brain for World Brain Day  
SharpBrains 25 Brain Teasers

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