Patient Announcement
08th, Sep 2022

Kingsbridge Private Hospital will continue our Private GP Consultation Service by Phone.
As a frontline measure for the next 30 days, Kingsbridge Healthcare Group will continue our Enhanced Private GP Service via telephone rather than face to face in our hospitals and clinics. This is in response to the current situation around Covid-19 and the government’s advice to try to contain the virus as much as possible.
Mark Regan CEO at Kingsbridge Private Hospital said,
“It is important for people to understand that while we are all focused on dealing with this pandemic, very shortly the greatest health risk for the population will be acquiring a non Covid-19 related disease or injury. People will continue to need access to GP services for the same medical conditions as we did before anyone had heard of the Coronavirus.”
GP telephone consultations have been used for many years and with great effect in both the private hospital and NHS setting. The service operates from 9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday and can be accessed by calling 02890 667878 or on our website at
The cost is £79.00 and in the event that the GP needs to physically see the patient in person after the initial telephone consultation, there will be no additional fee payable. The service will ensure that a prescription for any medication is then facilitated through one of two designated Pharmacies in the greater Belfast area, for collection later the same day.
“Our Enhanced GP Service has grown exponentially since its inception several years ago. We hope that in taking these steps to continue the service in this way, that it will continue to help society as a whole, as we face these unprecedented times,” said Mark.
For further information on Kingsbridge’s Enhanced GP Service go to
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