Kingsbridge Foundation Awards £29,000 To Support Mental Wellbeing In NI
28th, Sep 2022

£29,000 of funding has recently been awarded to five organisations, supporting work in the areas of health and wellbeing and some of the groups invited the advisory board from the Kingsbridge Foundation along to meet those who will benefit from their recent donations.
The Community Foundation for Northern Ireland are proud to be working with Kingsbridge Healthcare Group to distribute funding through The Kingsbridge Foundation. The fund is managed and supported by The Community Foundation, alongside an advisory board of Kingsbridge staff from across their hospitals and clinics in Belfast and Ballykelly.
£29,000 of funding has recently been awarded to five organisations, supporting work in the areas of health and wellbeing and some of the groups invited the advisory board from the Kingsbridge Foundation along to meet those who will benefit from their recent donations.
LIPS and Mindskills, two charities that support families and individuals affected by suicide, received £10,000 each.
Equine Enrichment CIC, based in the Northwest improves mental, physical, and social well-being through interactions with horses received £3,000 as did two Belfast based charities TAHMI and Streetbeat, who both support young people to overcome mental health challenges.
This week the Kingsbridge advisory board of staff visited Mindskills and Streetbeat in Belfast hearing firsthand from staff and service users just how important the work carried out and the services provided by these charities are.
Medical Director of the Kingsbridge Healthcare Group and Chair of the Kingsbridge Foundation Advisory Board, Dr Martin Shields said.
“This new fund has been established in order to make a positive impact on health and wellbeing in our communities. We have been truly inspired through visiting some of the groups and charities we have funded who are out on the ground and in the local community delivering much needed mental health support.
“We are delighted to be in partnership with the Community Foundation NI who work with us throughout the year to guide and advise the Kingsbridge Foundation Advisory Panel.”
Marcus Cooper, Fund Development Manager, Community Foundation NI commented,
“Meeting with the organisations is a fantastic way for the Kingsbridge team to see just how important their funding is. The cost-of-living crisis is hurting household finances, which will only increase the need for mental health support, particularly as these difficulties intensify over the winter. We are proud to be working with over 70 funds set up by individuals, families and companies to help them make as big an impact as possible in the communities they care about, right across Northern Ireland.”
Pictured visiting Mindskills are (Back) Dr Martin Shields, Conor Rooney, Claire Niblock from Kingsbridge Foundation and Marcus Cooper from CFNI.
(Front) Phil Taggart from Mindskills with Debbie Johnston and Maria Kennedy from Kingsbridge Foundation Staff Advisory Panel.